Alwa’s Awakening Coming To Steam February 2nd

Jason ArriolaGames, Video GamesLeave a Comment

Coming to Steam for PC, Mac, and Linux on February 2nd is Alwa’s Awakening, a game that really takes the 8-bit aesthetic and runs with it.

In it, you play as Zoe, a girl who falls asleep while playing a game and finds herself in the world of Alwa. Zoe uses her magic staff to not only fight enemies but help her navigate through the game’s levels. Taking some clever cues from the past, it looks to scratch a similar itch that Shovel Knight scratched a couple of years ago.

While I’m loathe to describe a game in this manner, Alwa’s Awakening looks like a pretty great Metroidvania with some clever platforming puzzles. It’s definitely one to keep an eye on when it releases on Steam in a couple of weeks for $9.99. Check out the launch trailer and some screenshots below.

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Jason ArriolaAlwa’s Awakening Coming To Steam February 2nd