Book Review: The Other Mrs. Miller (Allison Dickson)

JL JamiesonBook Review, BooksLeave a Comment

The Other Mrs MillerThe Other Mrs. Miller

Allison Dickson

G.P. Putnam’s Sons

Phoebe Miller is dying of boredom in the suburbs. She’s got a bit of refuge there from the embarrassment of her famous, rich (and recently deceased) father’s scandalous behaviour, but her life mostly consists of drinking wine and staring out her window at a car parked outside her house. She thinks she’s acquired a stalker, and that’s the most exciting thing that’s happened in awhile.

Until the new neighbors move in. She and bubbly, gossipy Vicki become fast friends, and Phoebe’s life brightens considerably. Despite the fact that her marriage has grown stale and her husband won’t give up on wanting kids, Phoebe is energized, and even considering a dalliance with Vicki’s attractive college bound son.

The Other Mrs. Miller

When things start to get tense in Vicki’s home life, Phoebe starts to get an inkling that something is really wrong. Her new friend just might not be who Phoebe thought she was, and her stalker is also starting to really rattle her.

Author Allison Dickson’s tale of a former socialite whose life takes an abrupt and scary turn is inventive, clever, and a really fun read. It surprises with a turn you won’t see coming, and her snappy turn of phrase makes for an easy page-turner that will be perfect to take with you on your summer vacation–or stay up late into the night reading.

Delightful and clever. I’ve heard she’s already working on her next novel, and I’m definitely looking forward to see what she come up with next.

Check out our Quick Six Interview with the author.

the other mrs. miller


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JL JamiesonBook Review: The Other Mrs. Miller (Allison Dickson)