Celebrities Who Love Social Games

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Celebrities Who Love Social Games

We often see celebrities as some untouchable creatures who are nothing like the rest of us. However, we keep forgetting that they are also human beings who need free time to unwind from all that glamour and camera lights.

Of course, everyone has their own idea of what relaxing and having fun means, but a great number of famous people choose to let their hair down by playing social games. Below you can read more about several celebrities and the games they love playing whenever they get a chance.

Pamela Anderson


Pamela Anderson is best known for her role as C.J. Parker in the famous TV series, Baywatch. While everyone who’s watched even one episode of the show can picture Pamela as a stunning blonde that keeps you safe at the beach, very few people know that she’s quite a gamer too. This became public knowledge once Pamela married Rick Salomon, a famous poker player. She was frequently seen in gaming facilities by his side as well.

However, nowadays, you don’t have to visit any gaming halls in order to play these games, as they can all be found online for free. One of the websites that offer free casino games is House of Fun, and you don’t have to be a celebrity to visit this platform and play your favorite titles.


Drake is a music star that’s been shining bright for as long as we’ve known him. He’s always on the radio, TV, and all over the internet, which leaves the impression that this guy lives in the music studio.

The truth is that, even though Drake has devoted his life to music, he has found a way to have some fun in the process. Various sources report that Drake plays Fortnite regularly, and he enjoys this game both in his free time and in the studio while the team is on a break from recording music. What a way to combine work and leisure!

Charlie Sheen

If you love watching funny movies and sitcoms, then you’ve probably heard of Charlie Sheen. In addition to his ability to make everyone in the room laugh and have fun, Charlie has developed certain skills to help himself have some fun too.

As expected, he has found his fair share of joy in various forms of gaming, particularly the world’s most popular card game — poker. So, if Charlie Sheen can do it, why couldn’t you? Today you can find numerous gaming platforms, like Poker Heat – free Texas holdem poker games. Perhaps you won’t meet Charlie there, but you will, by all means, have lots of fun without paying a dime.

Mila Kunis

If you remember the movie Friends With Benefits, you can definitely picture Mila Kunis playing games and playing them quite well, for that matter. She was one of the biggest fans of World of Warcraft, but after some time, she had to give it up, probably due to her time-consuming career. 

Still, Mila probably hasn’t forgotten about gaming entirely since her love for it can’t be wiped out that easily. Nevertheless, she probably plays some games that are a bit more casual now.

Zac Efron

Another famous actor who’s taken part in gaming is Zac Efron, and all the games he plays are available online, so you may as well give them a try. Moreover, online games have completely changed the entertainment industry overall, and you can find out more about it on
this page.

When it comes to Zac, though, one of the games he was into back in the day was Halo. Rumor has it that he even attended the Halo 3 launch party in Los Angeles and played the game with the producer. Whether he still plays this popular game remains unknown, but even if it’s not this exact title, he’s most likely found another one that’s equally exciting.


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Garon CockrellCelebrities Who Love Social Games