New Shout Factory Releases May 2019: The Seduction, Earthquake, When a Stranger Calls Back

Adam RuhlBlu-Ray Review, HorrorLeave a Comment

The Seduction

Synopsis from the Press Release:

L.A. anchorwoman Jamie Douglas (the stunning Morgan Fairchild in her big screen debut) has it all: a glamorous career on a top-rated news show, a luxurious house in the hills, and a devoted young admirer named Derek (Andrew Stevens). But when Jamie rebuffs his romantic advances, Derek becomes an obsessed stalker who plays out an increasingly psychotic courtship with the frightened newswoman. Soon he is threatening every part of her life, secretly watching even her most intimate moments. Her tough-talking lover (Michael Sarrazin) can’t console her. A by-the-book cop (Vince Edwards) can’t protect her. But Jamie is far from helpless … and ready to fight back with all the weapons at her command. When the smoke clears … who will survive The Seduction?

Adam Says:

The Seduction is about a celebrity stalker. The really unique thing is that it was made in 1982 before that was a really well-documented, cultural thing or there were any real laws on the books about it. To modern eyes, the reactions of Jamie’s friends, her co-workers, and the police’s casual attitude to her being harassed (and assaulted in her own home) will seem shocking beyond words. Then you learn in the extensive extras material that most of what appears in the film is pulled from real life. The fact that police were once absolutely powerless against violent stalkers is the most terrifying part of this thriller. On the other hand, watching Jamie take up arms in her own defense is extremely satisfying. Morgan Fairchild wielding a shotgun with authority is a striking image that makes an otherwise slow burn film all worth it.

Special Features Include:

  • NEW“Beauty and Strength” Interview with Actress Morgan Fairchild
  • NEW“The Seducer” Interview with Actor Andrew Stevens
  • NEW “Flashbacks” – Interview with Producer Bruce Cohn Curtis
  • Audio Commentary with Producer Irwin Yablans, Bruce Cohn Curtis and Writer/Director David Schmoeller
  • “Remembering The Seduction” featurette featuring interviews with Bruce Cohn Curtis, Irwin Yablans, David Schmoeller, Actress Colleen Camp, Actor Kevin Brophy and Associate Producer Tom Curtis
  • “Remembering the Locations and Production” featurette with Bruce Cohn Curtis and Location Manager Charles Newirth
  • “Remembering The Seductionand The Law” featurette
  • Original Theatrical Trailer & TV Spot
  • Still Gallery


Synopsis from the Press Release:

When the most catastrophic earthquake of all time rips through Southern California, it levels Los Angeles and sends shockwaves through the lives of all who live there. Now strangers must become saviors as the city struggles to get to its feet before the next terrifying aftershock hits! Also starring Ava Gardner, George Kennedy, Lorne Greene, Victoria Principal, Geneviève Bujold and Richard Roundtree, Earthquake combines outstanding performances with Academy Award®-winning sound and groundbreaking special effects.

Adam Says:

Shout Factory has pulled out all the stops for this two disc collector’s edition and it really looks fantastic. Included are both the theatrical cut and an extended TV cut, there’s tons of extras packed into each disc, and the edition comes in a slip cover with the original poster art. The new scan of the theatrical version is stunningly clear and crisp and the audio options include the original Sensurround gimmick used in marketing the film in theaters.

Earthquake was cutting edge in its day but in modern times where hundreds of millions of dollars are spent per film on CGI, the effects seem quaint and slightly humorous. The modern eye will quickly spot the model buildings and toy cars for what they are. Adding to this anachronism is a cultural sensibility and view towards men and women that is rapidly approaching fifty years out of date. Some of the things that are said and done as standard behavior in 1974 come off as jarring, if not shocking in 2019. All in all, Earthquake is still a fun movie, even if you’re likely to end up giggling at the more ridiculous moments.

Special Features Include:

DISC ONE: Theatrical Cut of the Film

  • NEW 2K scan of the interpositive of the theatrical cut (2.35:1)
  • Audio Options: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, 2.1 w/Sensurround audio and 2.0
  • Original Theatrical Trailer
  • Original TV Spot
  • Original Radio Spots
  • Vintage audio Interviews with Charlton Heston, Lorne Greene and Richard Roundtree
  • Still Galleries – movie stills, posters and lobby cards, behind-the-scenes photos and matte paintings and miniatures

DISC TWO: Television Cut of the Film

  • NEW 2K scan reconstruction of the TV version, featuring over 20 mins of made-for-broadcast footage (presented in 1.33:1)
  • NEW Sounds of Disaster: Ben Burtt talks about SENSURROUND
  • NEW Scoring Disaster: The Music of EARTHQUAKE
  • NEW Painting Disaster: The Matte Art of Albert Whitlock
  • Isolated TV scenes – Play them without watching the TV version of the film
  • Additional TV scenes (taken from best available film elements)

When a Stranger Calls Back

Synopsis from the Press Release:

Five years after her own terrifying baby-sitting ordeal, Julia Jenz (Jill Schoelen, The Stepfather) is trying to put her life together when the past comes back to haunt her. Someone is breaking into her apartment, moving objects around and toying with her. The police think she’s just a hysterical coed, but student advisor Jill Johnson (Carol Kane), similarly victimized thirteen years earlier, is determined to nail Julia’s stalker. Retired detective John Clifford (Charles Durning), who saved Jill’s life before, must find and outwit the culprit before it’s too late in this riveting sequel that reunites writer/director Fred Walton and the stars of the original When A Stranger Calls.

Adam Says:

If you’re a fan of When a Stranger Calls, you’re going to love When a Stranger Calls Back! This is primarily because it’s mostly the same movie over again just much, much goofier. Seriously, they inject some truly weird plot elements and a climax that has to be seen to be believed. Scream Factory has gone to some lengths to provide decent bonus content on what is essentially a well remastered TV movie. Worth getting a copy of the original and making a double feature of it.

Special Features Include:

  • NEW 2019 2K scan of the original film elements – in two aspect rations – 1.33:1 (original TV broadcast) and an alternate 1.78:1 version
  • NEW Directing A Stranger – an interview with director Fred Walton
  • NEW Process is Everything – an interview with actress Carol Kane
  • NEW A Stranger’s Prey – an interview with actress Jill Schoelen
  • Fred Walton’s original short film The Sitter
  • TV Spot
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Adam RuhlNew Shout Factory Releases May 2019: The Seduction, Earthquake, When a Stranger Calls Back