Book: Hogtown Market (Marianne Kirby)

JL JamiesonBook Review, BooksLeave a Comment

Hogtown Market

Marianne Kirby

Curiosity Quills

August 14th, 2018

Hank Goodness has had one hell of a summer. Now that she’s a walking science experiment, she has a few more tools at hand for finding her brother Ben–but she also has some clear disadvantages. If anyone found out, they’d be sure to want her dead. She needs to make damn sure to keep Ben from this fate, if she’s not already too late.

She gets some clues and a direction to travel in, and her and her traveling companion Jimmy are off to find Ben.

The Feral Seasons series is one of the best and strangest zombie apocalypse series I’ve read. I adore the main character–Henrietta Goodness–both because she’s a badass character who’s unabashedly fat and likes her women, and because she’s just the kinda girl who rolls with the punches.  The series has a Southern Gothic sensibility that practically makes you feel the heat and smell the Dust.

Kirby writes great characters. They’re well-dimensioned people that paint a colorful and quirky picture in their strange and grim setting, and keep the grimness of the situation from overwhelming the story. As I said of the first book–this is a series you really want to keep following. It’s a zombie tale that manages to remain crisp and new, instead of the same old Walking Dead everyone else writes. Love it.

jill scott

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JL JamiesonBook: Hogtown Market (Marianne Kirby)