3 Celebrities Who Love Tiny Houses
A recent IPX1031 survey of 2,006 Americans found that 56% said they would consider living in a tiny home, while 86% said they would consider one for their first property purchase. Tiny houses are often thought of as homes for ordinary people who have embraced minimalism, while luxurious mansions are the domain of the uber-rich. The truth is that there are some celebrities who love tiny houses!
The tiny house movement doesn’t have set rules regarding dwelling size, so some homes may be slightly bigger than 400 square feet. Celebrities are known for living large, so how does that happen in a tiny home? The American Home Shield blog reported that Millennial-driven minimalism has something to do with it. The generation’s ideals shifted away from gathering material possessions to maximizing enjoyable life experiences. In a tiny home, life becomes about experiences. Every day, people in tiny houses prove that it’s more than possible to live large with less. NFL superstar Deion Sanders and actors Matthew McConaughey and Vincent Kartheiser are among the rich and famous who have lived humbly with fewer things in small spaces. Find out about their tiny homes below.
Deion Sanders
A few years ago, Sanders joined forces with reality show Tiny House Nation to build a 600-square-foot tiny home in Cedar Hill, Texas. Located near a lake, the tiny home has a covered porch, a snack bar, and a rooftop deck. The deck features an awning to provide a sheltered space where Sanders’ partner Tracey Edmonds can practice yoga. The awning can convert to a movie screen at the touch of a button, giving the couple an outdoor cinema where they can entertain friends.
Matthew McConaughey
Academy Award-winning actor McConaughey lived in an Airstream International CCD 28 trailer for four years. Although he has since moved into a bigger home, the actor still uses his trailer for vacations. According to Southern Living, the almost 30-foot space enclosed a living area, kitchen, bedroom, and a bathroom with a shower. The rounded ceiling and golden coloring of his tiny home on wheels inspired McConaughey to name the trailer “the Honeycomb.”
Vincent Kartheiser
Mad Men actor Kartheiser embraced tiny home life several years ago, when he lived in a 580-square-foot micro-bungalow. Although he sold the dwelling after living there for 10 years, his time in the bungalow made a strong statement about conspicuous consumption. Fault reported that the actor had the bungalow remodeled in the Japanese style, with black wood flooring and shoji screens. The coffee table concealed a fire pit, while one of the beds could be transformed into a desk. According to Lonny, the best space-saving hack was a bed that descended from the ceiling.
Celebrities usually amaze us with their incredible talents and their crazy antics. Sanders, McConaughey, and Kartheiser, however, are among those who’ve surprised us with their tiny homes.
Garon Cockrell is the Founder and Editor of Pop Culture Beast and host of The Pop Culture Beast Show. He founded the site over seven years ago to have a place on the internet to write about the things he loved. Since then, Garon has become a best-selling author (Demonic and Other Tales), an award winning screenwriter (Best Screenplay 2013 Motor City Nightmares Film Festival), and a cast member on the top rated podcast, Never Not Funny.