Movie Trailer: Thor Ragnarok Teaser

Robin LynnBreaking News, Movies, Recap, Theatrical, TrailersLeave a Comment

ragnarockOpening with Thor hanging over a flaming pit, losing Mjolner to Hela (Cate Blanchett), meeting Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), battling on Skaar, and ending the trailer with a snippet of an epic battle between Thor and The Hulk, Thor: Ragnarok looks to be filled with more excitement than the first two movies in the series.

In case you’re not versed in your Norse mythology or the Marvel universe, Hela is the Goddess of death, who reigns over Niflhelm and Hel, the dishonorable dead. She wants to expand her power to include the honorable dead in Valhalla, and Thor & Odin are opposed to that plan. And Hela is the daughter of Loki, which pays homage to him in Hela’s green, gold, and black costume.

Now, losing Mjolnir sounds like the worst thing ever, it’s happened before. But it’s never been destroyed in this manner before, not by Hela, not in a ball of blue sparks.

There’s lots of battle scenes from Sakaar, including the fireball that transports Thor to that planet. There are scenes of Asgard being destroyed, and with Odin gone, will Loki protect Asgard, or let it fall?

Sakaar is a planet full of fierce, gladiator style battles, and it looks to visually follow the comics. And the other barrel of fun on Sakaar is Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum), who rules Sakaar. And one of his favorite types of entertainment are grand gladiator battles in his arena. Which is where the best like from the Teaser comes in.

Thor enters the arena, dons his helmet, and Grandmaster begins to announce his opponent. The Hulk bursts through the doors, and Thor exclaims “We know each other. He’s a friend from work!” with utmost delight. And there the teaser ends, closing in on the epic first collision between Thor and his work friend, Hulk.

Thor: Ragnarok opens November 3, 2017 in theaters worldwide.

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Robin LynnMovie Trailer: Thor Ragnarok Teaser