Book: The Family Plot (Cherie Priest)

JL JamiesonBook Review, BooksLeave a Comment

family plotThe Family Plot

Cherie Priest


September 20, 2016


Dahlia Dutton works for her father’s estate salvage company, Music City Salvage. He takes on one of the most expensive properties yet–the Winthrow estate. $40,000 for a house, barn, and carriage house that’s been virtually untouched for decades.

Augusta Winthrow doesn’t want anything to do with the house. She wants it salvaged and bulldozed. She hasn’t lived there since she was very young.

As Dahlia’s crew moves their camping gear into the old house and stars their salvage, they begin to see signs that some of the long dead Winthrow family may never have moved out.

The property holds much more than just the family secret.

The Family Plot, like all well crafted ghost stories, slowly creeps up on you. Somewhere in your peripheral vision, it unsettlingly teases, dropping chilling clues. Then, in the dark, it pounces.

Scared the hell out of me, and that’s difficult to do. I have fairly exacting tastes when it comes to horror and ghost stories. Priest has crafted the tale masterfully, and it will leave you creeped out for days. This is the book to buy this Halloween season.


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JL JamiesonBook: The Family Plot (Cherie Priest)