Garon’s Last Minute Movie/TV Holiday Gift Guide!

Garon CockrellHorror, Miscellaneous, Movies, TelevisionLeave a Comment

Christmas Movies

It’s that time of year! Forcing your friends and loved ones to watch movies you think they should see! We’ve got a big collection of great titles that would make any film/tv fan happy this holiday – something for everyone. Want something for your horror fan friends? We’ve got them covered. Kids? Go them covered, too. Classics, cult favorites, new hits, plenty to choose from. Head over to our Amazon link and shop your heart out. Have a great holiday from your friends at PCB!

Shout Factory, Scream Factory & Shout Select

It’s no secret I have a deep love of Shout Factory, most especially their horror label: Scream Factory. This year we have a wide range of titles from Shout and both of their specialty labels, Scream Factory and Shout Select.  These guys have a great variety of titles for anyone you can think of. Our picks include horror classics, comedy classics, anime, cult movies, TV greats, and more. Have a look at the titles you should be grabbing below!


Our indie friends at Lionsgate have some great titles as well this year. From a classic cult TV series to a mega popular teen romance franchise, which your sister-in-law might secretly like, and plenty of family fare in between.

Warner Brothers

A Hollywood classic and a mega-effects shark movie that might be so outrageous it’s good come from our friends at WB, plus a new season of one of the most talked about shows in recent memory.

Mill Creek

Mill Creek has a bunch of classic titles out made even more cool by the retro VHS looking covers that will make any movie collector a little giddy, plus complete series sets of some excellent television, and one of my favorite teen comedies of all time. The best part is that these titles are value priced so you can get fantastic deals on them.

The Criterion Collection

Normally in a guide like this I would include half a dozen or more titles from Criterion. They’re a top of the line label with flawless releases from any number of genres – search Criterion and you’ll see we recognize their special releases. This year though I wanted to highlight one of the most interesting and unique experiences : a century of films from the Olympics, all collected in one gorgeous box set. Great stuff. Sure to please film lovers and sports fans alike.

100 Years of Olympic Films

Blue Underground

Lastly, we have a couple new titles from Blue Underground. These are strictly for the adults as these are two cult classic horror films that do not shy away from the gore. Both are remastered and released in great sets and both look the best they’ve ever looked. Definitely two releases the horror fans in your life will love to have.

Okay that’s it! Hopefully you can find something for those movie and tv fans in your life! This was a great collection of titles so I’m sure you can find something for your friends and family.

From all of us here at Pop Culture Beast, have an amazing holiday, whichever one you celebrate this winter!



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Garon CockrellGaron’s Last Minute Movie/TV Holiday Gift Guide!